Friday, October 31, 2008

25 weeks

I can't believe I'm 25 weeks now. I'm getting nervous :) This week I signed us up for an all day childbirth class that is later this month. It's the only class that worked out with Alex's hectic guard schedule, so I'm glad I got that done.

Yesterday we went out for a little walk on a trail so I could get some fall pictures of us. Thank you self-timer!

Today we are off to vote and get some paperwork done, then Alex will drop me off at my parents' house for the weekend on the way to guard. My quilt blocks are done, I just have to sew them together and then I start the hand quilting.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The weekend

It feels like we got so much accomplished this weekend. We might not have, but the things we did were just so nice to have done.
First of all, the washer quit spinning last Wednesday. I put a load in and it made some noise, but everything was still in the same spot as when I put it in. No spin cycle. Alex came home on Thursday (YAY!) and took a look at it, fixed the belt, and then it popped off again. Luckily we have a spare washer and dryer at his parents' farm that we bought before we got married. His dad and brother came on Saturday to switch them out, but they ended up fixing the one we already had :) I still don't know what was wrong with it, but I have clean clothes now!
Alex also had his dad help him put some gutters on the back of the house (it's a mandatory thing here that had to be done by sometime in November). While we were getting supplies at Menard's I also picked up the paint for the baby's room! I can't wait to get that done, too. Anyway, it's a good thing that Wayne and Evan could come on Saturday rather than Sunday since it was SO windy on Sunday. I can't even imagine them trying to put gutters on in that wind...what a disaster.
It was so nice of them to come up and I'm very thankful to have a handy husband and family!
I also had my appointment on Monday. It was pretty short, they just checked the heartbeat (163) and stuff. I have now gained 10 pounds :) I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing that I'll be pregnant around Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

24 Weeks

I was going to skip my 24 week picture (since I hadn't taken one), but Sarah wants one so here it is...24 1/2 weeks actually :)

I have also made a lot of progress on the quilt, the blocks are almost done!

I would write more about the weekend, but I'm sitting on Alex's lap typing this as he watches a show because we couldn't agree on who gets the computer. It's a good thing our screen is huge, but I'm getting uncomfortable... so I'll write more on Monday while he's at work. Hehe.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A walk with my love

My visit with Alex was great! Even though he only had one week left, it was still nice to break up the 3 weeks with a visit. I picked up some Fazoli's on the way there so we could eat together, then we had a nice walk on a trail they have on base. Along the path there were work-out stations I guess you could call them, and so we tried some pull-ups. I was VERY unsuccessful!

Can he do it?

Oh yes he can...but only one!

After that I went back to my parents' house for the weekend and got all my fabric cut for the quilt!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

23 weeks

I don't know what it is about being pregnant, but it has really gotten my creative juices flowing. On Monday I went shopping for fabric for the baby quilt, and on Tuesday I started making the awesome*bird*mobile from this pattern I found online. Now I'm just waiting til I go to my parents' house this weekend so I can cut up all the fabric for the quilt. I'm not very good at the rotary cutter, so I need my mom's supervision.
Alex has now completed 2 weeks of training and only has 1 week left! I'm excited for him to come home and even more excited that I'm going to visit him today! I'm making 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies at the moment to bring him :) Now thats love...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I've been tagged by Ashley to tell 7 random/weird things about myself. Some of these things you may already know, but they are still kinda weird...

1. I'll start with my ability to shape my tongue into a clover :) I'm proud of that weird talent.

2. I am clumsy. Maybe not so much these days, but I used to run into doorways a LOT. You'd think since I could see it coming that I would know where to walk, but it just didn't work that way for me.

3. Road rage is a bit of an issue with me. You may think I am mostly calm and nice, but walk in front of me in the crosswalk when I have a GREEN light and guess who's not so nice and calm! Alex can vouch for this. Many times, actually pretty much every time I would pick him up from school there would be 10-20 students walking across the street when they shouldn't be. Argh! It really gets to me and I usually inch really close to them until they realize they shouldn't be walking then, and they get out of my way. I should work on this.

4. I don't care which side of the bed I sleep on. Most people prefer a side, but it doesn't matter to me or Alex. Except for now that I'm pregnant I have to have the side closest to the bathroom. It's so nice to just sit up and walk 5 steps and be in the bathroom instead of tripping on things on the way there.

5. This one is a little embarassing, but my sister will get a kick out of it. I have hairy fingers. Gross, I know. Brent and Sarah like to joke about it with me a lot. Sarah even once made me a cd of favorites and wrote on it " Laci's Hairy Compilation".

6. I can write my name forwards and backwards at the same time. This is nothing new, but it is fun that it's only something left-handed people can do.

7. There is a tiny brown speck in my right eye. I'm not sure why it's there, but it is. Perhaps it's from one of my 3 eye injuries (that all resulted in eye patches!) or maybe that eye just wants to turn brown someday. Who knows.

Welp, there's my 7 things. I now tag Nette and Jes.

Friday, October 10, 2008

22 weeks

Wednesday I started my 22nd week. I didn't get a picture of me at 21 weeks, so maybe there will be some noticeable changes from my 20th to 22nd week pictures. I have finally started to enjoy eating and have quite a bit more appetite, thank goodness. Sarah's delicious chocolate peanut butter muffin things and chicken alfredo have certainly helped me gain a few pounds. Yum.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Busy, busy

This has been a very busy but fun week. I've been at my sister's house since Friday, and I always enjoy being here. It's cold in Minnesota, though!
Alex left last Wednesday for 3 weeks of guard training, so it worked out that my wonderful parents could bring me here last weekend and pick me up this weekend. It's always nice to get away when Alex is gone :)

Sarah and I have been working on a new craft project that is so CUTE. Bottlecap magnets. I got some of the directions on how to make them here. The gluing and resin parts were quite toxic smelling, so we wore masks for protection. They turned out pretty neat!