Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I've been tagged by Ashley to tell 7 random/weird things about myself. Some of these things you may already know, but they are still kinda weird...

1. I'll start with my ability to shape my tongue into a clover :) I'm proud of that weird talent.

2. I am clumsy. Maybe not so much these days, but I used to run into doorways a LOT. You'd think since I could see it coming that I would know where to walk, but it just didn't work that way for me.

3. Road rage is a bit of an issue with me. You may think I am mostly calm and nice, but walk in front of me in the crosswalk when I have a GREEN light and guess who's not so nice and calm! Alex can vouch for this. Many times, actually pretty much every time I would pick him up from school there would be 10-20 students walking across the street when they shouldn't be. Argh! It really gets to me and I usually inch really close to them until they realize they shouldn't be walking then, and they get out of my way. I should work on this.

4. I don't care which side of the bed I sleep on. Most people prefer a side, but it doesn't matter to me or Alex. Except for now that I'm pregnant I have to have the side closest to the bathroom. It's so nice to just sit up and walk 5 steps and be in the bathroom instead of tripping on things on the way there.

5. This one is a little embarassing, but my sister will get a kick out of it. I have hairy fingers. Gross, I know. Brent and Sarah like to joke about it with me a lot. Sarah even once made me a cd of favorites and wrote on it " Laci's Hairy Compilation".

6. I can write my name forwards and backwards at the same time. This is nothing new, but it is fun that it's only something left-handed people can do.

7. There is a tiny brown speck in my right eye. I'm not sure why it's there, but it is. Perhaps it's from one of my 3 eye injuries (that all resulted in eye patches!) or maybe that eye just wants to turn brown someday. Who knows.

Welp, there's my 7 things. I now tag Nette and Jes.


Blogger Britt said...

I'm laughing .. a lot .. at the image of you inching your car up close to those silly college students. I have the same issue .. I don't inch, though .. I yell ;o)

October 15, 2008 at 11:02 PM  
Blogger Jes said...

Thanks for tagging me...I'm racking my brain trying to figure out 7 things that people dont already know about me! Humm...this is tricky :)

October 16, 2008 at 12:00 PM  

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