Happy New Year!
I've never really been into making resolutions, but there are some things I would like to do or accomplish in 2009. They are as follows:
Learn to play guitar
Learn to knit
(these first 2 were also things I wanted to do last year but didn't quite get to them)
Not be a weeny when it comes time to give birth
Make the most of the time Alex, the baby and I have together
Find some tasty meals to add to my menu, and maybe even sneak in some extra veggies for Alex
Train the cat to not jump on the counters or eat my plants
Have a flower garden
(which I did last year until the lawn guys weed whacked it off. This year I will put out a sign!)
Pay off the house! I'm not sure if it will happen this year, but that sure is Alex's goal for when he goes over seas.
Not be so electronically challenged
Find a way to make an income while still being home with the baby
Take more pictures
Get the yeast to work so I can have pizza dough and cinnamon rolls that actually RAISE
and last but not least...