He's here!
Well, today is my actual due date, but someone decided to come a little early!
Zane Alexander was born on February 5th at 3:20 pm
Weighing 8lbs. 4oz. and 19 1/2 inches long
I am very happy with how everything went, so here are the birth details!
I started having my first contractions on a Sunday, and on my appointment that Monday I was dilated 2cm and 100% effaced. I continued having regular contractions for the next few days (ouch!) til my appointment on Wednesday.
Alex and I had packed up all our things for the Wednesday appointment, because I was REALLY hoping to stay and have the baby! I was pretty uncomfortable. I asked the midwife to check me again to see if I was progressing and I was at 3cm then. I was quite disappointed to go home since I was in so much pain, but I had to.
Then came Thursday morning. The contractions had gotten worse and were now about 4 minutes apart, so I woke Alex up and we got around and went to the hospital. We got there about 7:30 and I was at 5cm, so I got to stay (YAY!). I had told Alex on the way there that I would REFUSE to go home even if it wasn't time yet :)
I chose to get the epidural, even though I was already at 7cm by the time I got it, and probably could have gone without. I knew it would take a little but longer, but I wanted a bit of relief and rest at that point.
When we got to the hospital I had been told that none of my midwives would be there (due to some scheduling thing) and that a regular doctor would deliver the baby. I was pretty disappointed because I really liked the midwives, too. BUT, a few hours into things one of the midwifes shows up and says that she had changed her schedule for the day so she could deliver the baby! I was very happy about that, she is super nice.
Anyway, everything was going very smoothly and I only pushed for a half hour. It was nothing like I thought it would be (which is a good thing!) and apparently the first thing I said after they handed the baby to me was "I could do that again". All the nurses said that wasn't really something they hear at that point :)
Now on to pictures!
Alex has been enjoying his "paternity leave" by holding the baby a lot and playing video games. Sometimes both at the same time :)
More pictures to come!
First, love the glasses! I also like the picture of Zane wearing his hat. Brent likes the pic of Alex playing PS3 with Zane on his lap. He also likes your glasses. I'm so glad that labor went well for you and that you didn't end up with an evil c-section. I'd love a picture of him every single day!! Bty, although you look very femine, I think Zane looks more like you.
Great job, sis!
"I could do that again"
That was the epidural talking! =-) lol just reading that made my lady parts cringe a little (not that yu wanted to know that, hm?) .. I'm glad it went so smoothly for you. And now you can officially use the, "I pushed him out of my body" line when you want something. Maybe it will work better on Alex than it does on Kelly. Kelly just rolls his eyes and says, "Yeah, I was there .. I saw!" LOL
I LOVE your 40 week picture!
And I love the picture of Alex playing video games with Zane. Kelly used to do that with the girls .. always made me giggle =-)
Oh, and I Love your glasses! And the family picture. Aaand You. Congratulations again, Laci!
i think the 40 week picture is the cutest weekly picture you've taken!
p.s. did you and alex get the surprises i left in your house?
aaah i'm jealous of your 40 week picture!! :) love it!!! thanks for sharing!!! very fun to read!
Lacy, I did get your surprises, thanks...
I was heading off to take a nap after we got home and WHOA! Tennis rackets in my bed :)
Thanks for the new screen saver, too.
Gosh, I love that little guy!! I agree with Lacy...the 40 week picture is by far the cutest! I also agree with Sarah...a picture everyday, please!! :)
See you guys again SOON!! I need a nephew fix already!
Laci, I like your glasses as well. You look mature and calm. I look forward to holding Tiny Zane.
How is Scar doing with the little addition to the family?
Congrats! You look amazing.
I love the pictures. What a cutie.
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