Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sweet Treats!
That's really what my past couple days have been about. This morning I finished all the candy for the tins we give out, and I'm still working on these ADORABLE crochet cupcakes for my brother-in-law's girlfriend. She collects cupcake stuff I guess, and when I found that out I thought I should make her some. I know they're not edible, but they're so cute I want to eat them!
We are leaving for Osky as soon as Alex gets home from work. I'm not quite sure why they are open today, though. Who really goes to donate plasma on Christmas Eve? Hehe.
Merry Christmas Eve!
Friday, December 19, 2008
32 Weeks
So much to do, so little time. I have a list of stuff I want to get done, but some Christmas presents I'm making are getting in the way :) On Wednesday Alex's mom, Grandma and sister came up and we did our Christmas shopping. It was fun, and I'm pretty excited about watching the Lost season 4 that Alex will be getting! As far as the shopping goes, I'm completely done buying presents, so that's nice.

In weather news, we got a ton of ice last night. Alex had to go out the sliding back door this morning because the front door was stuck shut, and he spent a while chunking the ice off the car. Poor guy. Here is the view from our front window...well, it's almost a view:
I guess I'll just be staying in today and work on that pan of brownies we made last night. YUM.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
31 Weeks

Welp, I'm not sure what to write, so here's a recap of the past weeks events.
Friday- The parade was FREEZING..and a little dull. There weren't many entries this year for some reason.
Saturday- Candy making was fun, although I overdosed on too much sugar :)
Sunday- I almost finished my quilt!
Monday- I finished my quilt! Whoops I forgot to take a picture.
Tuesday- The shopping trip was postponed due to the sucky weather, so I just hung out at my parents' house feeling a bit "stranded".
Wednesday- I made it home safely and started working on getting my Christmas presents ready. I didn't realize it was so close already!
Thursday- I don't really remember..
Friday- Alex came home! Here are some pictures mom took of us by the tree. It is hard to take pictures with Alex. Out of about 20 you may get a FEW good ones :)

Cross eyes. Why? I don't know.

Well, I'm off to see if I can drag Alex out of bed and maybe hit some Doorbusters at the mall. I've never been in town the day after Thanksgiving or Christmas so I never get to hit the sales! Hopefully that will change today..
Friday, December 5, 2008
30 Weeks
So this week at my appointment I was shocked to find out that I had only gained 1 pound since last time...and that was on Monday right after all of our holiday feasting! I'm making Christmas candy with Alex's mom, Grandma and sister tomorrow, though, so I will probably add a few more then :) The heartbeat was 153 (I think that's what it was last time, too) and is supposedly head down now. I finally met the last midwife (there are 3 and I rotate between them) and she is really nice, too. I will be happy with any of them when the time comes.
Later I'm heading down for the lighted Christmas parade..BRR! I made this scarf last night, so maybe that will help me stay warm. I'm also staying for the weekend and then a few more days until the annual Christmas shopping trip with the in-law ladies. I plan to do the binding on the quilt while I'm there, too, and then it will be finished! Alex has a week of training starting tomorrow, so my busy week should make our time apart go fast.
Yay for Christmas fun and all things dipped in Almond bark!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas on Thanksgiving
This year we decided to do Christmas along with Thanksgiving at my parents' house since Alex was supposed to leave right after Christmas and it would just make things a little less hectic. Even though the plans have changed, it was still really nice and it got me in the mood for Christmas time. We got back last night and I put up the tree!
Mom and Dad liked the calender we made them...
Callie liked her blanket..
The boys (including Alex) liked their ton of blocks..
And the rest of the pictures I just think are cute :)
I love time with all the family!