Friday, June 5, 2009

365 days

Alex left this morning and started his first day of Active Duty.

He will be home one year from today...

In the meantime, I have decided to put this blog on hold so it doesn't end up being a place for me to vent about this situation.

I have started another blog just for pictures of Zane, so Alex can see him everyday.

I can't guarantee a picture everyday, but that is my goal.

click below for

And thanks to all who have been praying for us, we appreciate it!

Monday, June 1, 2009

In case of a canoeing emergency...

...everyone can grab onto Zane's life jacket!
It's so big! It's as small as they come, though :)

He didn't like it at first, but then he fell asleep in it sitting upright.

We had a nice time with Alex's family just relaxing at the lake and taking a short canoe/kayak ride. The weather was great and it was a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon!